
Thursday 25 July 2013

Call of duty Black Ops zombie map


I do not know how to successfully unlock the third map below kino der toten and five. It's top secret and wrote down his right tells me this card contains TOP SECRET information. A higher level of authorization is required. But how do I get that level and how do I know I'm kel level.
Thank you! I do not know if it will be necessary but I'm on the PS3.


You go to the main menu on PS3 you do L3 R3 5 times then it will rise BEHIND you, you go around and you will see it in a computer and you use it you make:
"3ARC UNLOCK" and don't forget to press ENTER after you wrote this and here is your dead and five ops arcarde is unlock without doing the story or have a minimum score of 27 in kino.

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