
Thursday 25 July 2013

Call of Duty - List of commands to be used in console

  • Here is a list of commands that you can used during a multiplayer session in Call of duty !! Those commands can be used directly through the console if you have enable it in game option.


    • /serverinfo - This command shows the server settings and configurations.
    • /map [map name] - This will load the given map.
    • /map_rotate - This will load the next map of the rotation. This is set in the 'sv_maprotation' file on your server.
    • /map_restart - This will restart the current map.
    • /fast_restart - This will restart the current map just like /map_restart but is much faster as it will not load the map again. It will just restart the map.
    • /status - This shows information about the connected players. This includes the client ID, score, ping, GUID, name and IP address. The ID and name can be used for the following commands.
    • /tell [player id] - This will display a message to a specific player. The ID is given with the /status command.
    • /clientkick [player id] - This will kick a player according to its ID (given with the /status command).
    • /kick [player name] - This will do the same as the /clientkick command, but this command requires the player's name. However, some names are very difficult to enter (with color codes etc.), thats why the **/clientkick commands is easier in use. You can use 'all' as player name, this will kick all players from the server.
    • /onlykick [player name] - Does the same as /kick as far as I know.
    • /banClient [player id] - This command will ban a player according to its ID. The player's GUID will be added to ban.txt.
    • /banUser [player name] - This command does the same as the /banclient command. However, this requires you to fill in the player's name, it is therefore advised to use the /banclient command (names can be long or contain color codes).
    • /tempBanClient [player id] - This will temporary ban a player using the player's ID. The length of a temporary ban can be changed in the server configuration file.
    • /tempBanUser [player name] - This will temporary ban a player using the player's name.
    • /unbanUser [player name] - This will unban a user according to the player's name. If the player's name appears more than once in ban.txt, you can edit the file and remove the banned player manually.
    • /dumpuser [player name] - This will give information about the player.
    • /killserver - As the name says, it will shut your server down.

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